If you’re looking for an inexpensive and easy way to deep condition your hair, coconut oil hair treatment is the perfect choice! Coconut oil moisturizes and protects hair from sun damage and helps replenish and re-moisturize.
How to Use Coconut Oil As A Hair Treatment
The easiest way to use coconut oil as hair conditioner is to try to remember to apply it anytime you’re going to sweat and will need a shower later anyway. Going for a walk or jog? Gardening, mowing your lawn or just working around your house? Slather your hair with a coconut oil hair treatment and put it in a bun so it can really absorb and let the heat from your scalp work its magic.
Make sure you don’t put the coconut oil all the way up to your scalp, but leave about an inch of hair untreated so your hair doesn’t get too greasy and weighted down after the treatment.
Coconut oil hair treatment is also a perfect protector when you’re at the beach or swimming in a chlorinated pool. Just apply the coconut oil hair conditioner to hair about 15-30 minutes before getting in the water so it has time to soak in and really protect your hair.
Add A Power Punch of Essential Oils to Your Coconut Oil Hair Treatment
You can also add high quality essential oils to your coconut oil for further hair treatment possibilities. Try lavender essential oil to prevent hair loss as well as stimulate new growth. Rosemary essential oil encourages new hair growth, inhibits graying, removes dandruff and can help a dry and flaky scalp. Adding tea tree (melaleuca) essential oil is known to increase the entire body’s immune system and also heal damaged hair.
Try rotating different essential oils each time you treat your hair with coconut oil hair treatment to see what gives you the luscious locks you’re craving.